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tv communication中文是什么意思

用"tv communication"造句"tv communication"怎么读"tv communication" in a sentence


  • 电视传播


  • Nov . 27 , 2005 : the 2nd forum of pan - pearl river delta tv communication summit was held at jinjiang hotel
    2005年11月27日,泛珠三角区域“ 9 + 2 ”电视媒体高峰论坛在锦江宾馆举行。
  • " the new power pivot " that is formed by mass media including internet and tv communication and etc . has reshaped the whole world . the whole process happened during the digitalized media period
  • The paper is based on the survey of 428 middle - school student samples both in guangzhou , guangdong province and wuhan , hubei province . it focuses on the analysis of primary group ' s influence on city teenagers " acceptation of tv communication
  • Based on both primary group and teenagers " mutual goals of tv communication , tv information , through the primary group ' s filtering , takes its action on the process of teenagers " socialization . the more beneficial that the action draws to teenagers " positive socialization , the more effective that the structure forms as well as the function operates
    本研究认为电视传播的信息通过初级群体的过滤,作用于青少年社会化的过程,双方在目标趋于一致的基础上产生以情感为中心的互动,整合电视? ?初级群体? ?青少年的行动体系中的各子系统,形成电视? ?初级群体? ?青少年的行动体系的规范运行模式。
  • The relative sociological theories of structural - runctionalism , interaction as well as some communication theories are applied in the analysis . conclusions have been reached . viewed primary group , teenagers , tv communication as the micro - social structure , it has four functions : adaptation , goal attainment , integration and latent pattern maintenance
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